I've seen this issue, but I haven't spent a lot of time on it. It could be added as a variability to the design language, but there are some interesting...
@JacquesCarette It does look like data definitions now have a scope field. I don't think it currently does anything, but there's at least something there to build off of.
Reading this brought back memories of debugging issues in the C++ renderer. Even when I was working with GOOL every day, it took a lot of mental effort to understand...
We do have an open issue about adding L-values in GOOL, just FYI:
Some clarification questions for @JacquesCarette and/or @smiths: 1. For the unmodular option, should we still keep different functions (for reading input, checking constraints, doing calculations, etc.) and just put them...
I implemented a version of an unmodular design where there are still multiple functions/classes, but they are all in one file (#2005). Still to do: the "fully" unmodular design choice,...
No updates, the original description is still accurate.
So I've looked at all of our current tags in an attempt to find a pattern that will guide us on what information we need to store in an AST...
@smiths I think at our meeting @JacquesCarette said that the code optimizations would be nice to have for the paper (correct me if I'm wrong). Also the idea of having...
@JacquesCarette Sure, we can meet on Thursday. Do either of 11 AM or 1 PM work? (I have class from 2:30-4:00 but am otherwise free).