Wow, thanks for the really quick response. Thought I was going to wait a day or two minimum. I'm using windows 7. I checked the Frame Debug and there's no...
I made a mistake. It's the Disk-Blended per-view meshes that's not working. Sorry about that.
Yes, it does appear upon launch, but in the scene nothing is showing. I'll send a screen shot as well. 
Nothing happening.
The depth pass seemed to come out just as expected. I used Texture array from color data, Per-view meshes from underlying focal surfaces and per-view meshes from depth maps by...
Is there anything specific that needs to be done to the mesh?
I'm using unity 2019.4.0f1. Normal unity scene, so no HDRP or URP. Don't know if any of this might help narrow down a possible problem.
Update on the issue. This is an error I get now. 
I'm using 3d renders.