Out request body format is application/json like that : `{"body":{"id":9},"header":{"token":"token","snTime":1588213292769,"sn":"78028ad247479b146012f49aaecd2ff3","from":"web"}}` The header is fixed.So I want to add these params to all my request.How can i realize it ?
As you know, excel will convert "101,102" to "101102" as number format?So how can i get the original value "101,102". Or how can I convert all my cells to string...
I see these codes in the main.go. > authorRepo := _authorRepo.NewMysqlAuthorRepository(dbConn) ar := _articleRepo.NewMysqlArticleRepository(dbConn) timeoutContext := time.Duration(viper.GetInt("context.timeout")) * time.Second au := _articleUcase.NewArticleUsecase(ar, authorRepo, timeoutContext) _articleHttpDeliver.NewArticleHttpHandler(e, au) I think if articleUcase...