Ran Benita

Results 42 issues of Ran Benita

Consider a websocket server with the following example URL structure: - `/echo` - First WS endpoint. - `/chat/` - Second WS endpoint. - `/health` - Dumb HTTP endpoint - Any...

low priority

I have split the changes into small commits with rationale in the commit message, to make it easier to review and drop undesirable changes if needed. Should probably be squashed...

### Issue Summary Using a self-hosted redash instance running in docker-compose with image `redash/redash:10.0.0.b50363`. The instance was upgraded from redash 8, with celery replaced with rq according to the release...

Sphinx 4 (or releases since) provides two nice things (see [changelog](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/changes.html)): - It supports "canonical" names for types. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but makes a lot more...

It will be nice to be able be able to ask pytestbot to backport a PR to a target branch, right now it's a bit tedious. I've started an attempt...

type: infrastructure

I am working on cleaning up our collection code, but the current behavior seems odd and incidental, therefore I'd first like to discuss how it *should* behave. pytest and operating...

topic: collection

The pressure stall information (PSI) metrics provide useful information on delays caused by waiting for CPU, IO and memory. Particularly on busy servers it can provide a quick overview of...

Currently, there is `.append()` which always writes to end of the `BitStream`, and `.overwrite()` which writes from the current pos of the `BitStream` but not beyond the boundary. It would...


This issue replaces some historical issues: #76, #342, #423, #461, #828, #838, #839 (probably a partial list). ### Background Django supports [multi databases](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/topics/db/multi-db/). This means defining multiple entries in the...


https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/topics/testing/advanced/#django.test.TransactionTestCase.available_apps See also: PR #575 Note: Django marks this as private API so we would probably also mark it as such if we choose to add it.
