
Results 6 comments of bluesky-ca

Sorry forgot to include that - from occ onlyoffice:documentserver --check I get: version

It is a standalone server - is there anything I can do in the short term to make that button work when left clicked ? As I mentioned it does...

I did not find this issue report, so I re-reported the problem in (#421) - looks like this has been around for at least 2 years. The fact that the...

Same problem for me. NC 21.0.3, php 7.3.20 Apache 2.4.6, Redis5, MariaDB 10.4 `[settings] Error: Exception: Could not extract app files_external_onedrive: Out-of-path file extraction {/tmp/oc_tmp_yeer7d-folder/files_external_onedrive/vendor/bin/phpunit --> ../phpunit/phpunit/phpunit} at 0. /var/www/nextcloud/apps/settings/lib/Controller/AppSettingsController.php...

Too bad that this app is going away - I looked at Custom Menu app - it will not place the apps at the top - that creates dead space....

Here you go: