Deniz Mert Edincik

Results 290 comments of Deniz Mert Edincik

> Start the emulator instance and run the ‘test script’ against that. The downside is that there will be two emulator instances (two environments/sandboxes): one for the test-script and one...

@SupunS yeah actually benefits are real. Thanks for explaining in detail. Btw will there be any work related to cleanup environment e.g. Cadence/runtime coupling ? I mentioned that before with...

is there any update on this? At lease maybe we can push some numbers here and brainstorm openly ?

I second @SupunS 's proposal, I have really big doubts about the gain for developer here. As an average developer what I will gain from this ? Cannot this be...

> For a developer to able to look at a function declaration at a glance, see the pure keyword, and know with certainty that calling this function will not have...

@sideninja I can take this if you want, actually I was planning to implement those, somehow forgot :(

@sideninja tbh I totally forgot about this, now just added to top of my todo, this week I will send a PR for sure.

@sideninja I started today on this, delayed a bit because of debugging some strange setup problems on new computer.

I am super excited about this, thanks for this FLIP @janezpodhostnik Few comments and ideas I have. - Capabilities as Resource makes little sense in my opinion. As I can...

hey @janezpodhostnik Thanks for the answers, sorry I missed the answers when you posted, thanks to @sideninja I just saw. Resource vs Struct discussion, I think we have just opposite...