Fabian Keller

Results 102 issues of Fabian Keller

Currently it is difficult to isolate setup code from the part of the code that one really wants to measure. Silly example: ```nimrod proc silly(n: int) {.measure: [100, 10000, 1000000].}...

In data science use cases, the most frequent test is to assert approximate equality of entire float data vectors. For instance in Numpy based code, testing with [`assert_allclose`](https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.testing.assert_allclose.html#numpy.testing.assert_allclose) is ubiquitous....

A nice feature would be the possibility to keep the actual markdown text in a separate file instead of embedding it in a xmp tag. This would allow to have...

### Is your proposal related to a problem? Code reuse is a good thing. It is not uncommon that a backend and a frontend can use the same code, and...

issue: proposal
needs triage

I've always been wondering if it wouldn't make more sense to benchmark very fast operations with a subtractive timing model against a task specific reference noop. The logic of the...

Awesome sky asset! Regarding: > More properties will be exposed in the near future so you can change the colouring of the sky. I'm wondering if it is also possible...

In data science use cases, the most frequent test is to assert approximate equality of entire float data vectors. For instance in Numpy based code, testing with [`assert_allclose`](https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.testing.assert_allclose.html#numpy.testing.assert_allclose) is ubiquitous....

First of all, thanks for maintaining this crate, much appreciated! Did you by any chance benchmark this crate against [RustFFT](https://github.com/awelkie/RustFFT) or [fourier](https://github.com/calebzulawski/fourier)? It looks like they also put [some effort...

I'm still struggling to create a usable VR experience with JOVR because of a heavy juddering. My observations are: - I tried a lot of different approaches on client side...

`import arraymancer` was just broken for me due to an issue with my local `untar` version. I got curious why Arraymancer actually needs this and noticed that the default import...
