### Q&A (please complete the following information) - OS: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Browser: Chrome - Version: 102.0.5005.61 (Official Build) (64-bit) - Method of installation: Unsure, part of Python/Django/DRF/drf-spectacular? -...
I know I can do the following: ```python @extend_schema( parameters=[ OpenApiParameter( "query_param1", type={"type": "array", "items": {"type": "integer"}}, style="form", explode=False, ), OpenApiParameter( "query_param2", examples=[ OpenApiExample("QP2 example", value="qp2 example value"), ], ),...
These are questions: After I've run training with something like the following per the code on the ``` trainer.train( epochs=1, steps_per_epoch=500, batch_size=16, monitored_metrics={'val_PSNR_Y': 'max'} ) ``` How do I...
I'm trying to train an Srgan per example-srgan.ipynb just using scale=8 instead of scale=4. However, as soon as I try to run: ``` pre_trainer.train(train_ds, valid_ds.take(10), steps=1000000, evaluate_every=1000, save_best_only=False) ``` I...
Following SRGAN finetuning, I have an issue appearing when using thve model to apply SR to various images whereby a bright band appears on the left part of the image....
Specifically, I've come across 2 obstacles: 1. The disciminator network for `realesr-general-x4v3.pth` is not provided. Can you please provide this model so that it can be finetuned along with the...