Looks like it is misinterpreted as a function-like macro ``` $ cat test4.h #define a 5 #define b 6 #define c (a+b) #define d c $ clang2py -k dm test4.h...
your mom gAY
see here
Because ID and URI are not type aliases, you cannot automatically convert a []string of spotify ids into a []spotify.ID when calling functions like GetAlbums. If they were defined as...
When creating a schema, if there is a problem with one of your QueryObjects, the resulting error message and traceback does not give any indication as to which ObjectType class...
If I have a page and do "page.unparse()" I get. `b'1005 0 R'` I want to get the binary stored version of the XObject. There does not appear to be...
since Receivers can be created from a sender, and channel takes no args, it makes sense for Sender to implement Default
there is no docs there is no docs there is no docs
I'd like to be able to use strum EnumString (and others) under reexport from a "common-stuff" crate in my workspace repo. Currently trying to use the reexported EnumString results in...