John Bolt
John Bolt
Hello, could you expand somewhat on what this task entails? I'd like to tackle it or a portion of it as a first issue, but I will likely need some...
I have done some reading based off of some keyword searches in this post. My assumption is that we are talking about graph contraction here. It looks like union-find would...
Hey @wouterwln ! Looks like my intuition was way off! Thanks for the links and the incredibly thorough explanation. I looked through some of the relevant code this morning and...
Hey @wouterwln! I have had some more time to look at RxInfer and GraphPPL, as well as learning more about Julia. I have some questions and ideas about the proposed...
Hey @wouterwln! I really appreciate your thorough answers here. The need for type stability here makes sense to me. I have spent a good amount of time reading through the...
Thanks for the advice here guys, I think I was able to implement node contraction with everything provided. I have been spending some time since working to implement the HGF...