Benjamin L. Moore

Results 6 comments of Benjamin L. Moore

Yeah the layout here isn't that great, what looks like columns is just hard-coded relative spacing — if I were to write this from scratch (it's a [fork]( I'd use...

Not really, only the `mailto` links work. As to why this is: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This is a great point that we've been thinking about in Platinum Genomes (and I know @jzook is too). PG has tried to tackle this problem in the upcoming 2017.1...

Confident regions contain both homozygous reference regions and the validated variant sites (i.e. records in the truthset VCFs) so if you were to subtract the NA12878 + NA12877 truthset records...

Confident regions need not contain a truth variant, they can also just be regions we're calling homozygous reference — does that answer your question?

I'm seeing this specifically when uploading a large number of small files (000s). Can reduce the impact by reducing concurrency + part size but still seeing memory use grow indefinitely