Dee Adesanwo
Dee Adesanwo
I'm at a loss, I followed @MikeBosw steps and got it to work...but after some reboots I'm now stuck with just ttyUSB0 and don't get 0-5 :(
Just an update, and possible tutorial to get this board working successfully with the Raspberry PI: @botletics - This is a lengthy post and would be suited for a wiki...
Awesome, thanks glad I could help. On Sat, May 25, 2019, 6:28 PM Timothy Woo wrote: > I just created a wiki page with what you've posted which you can...
@adrianwiejak I've run into that issue when I was getting a weak signal and I had to test it outside. Another thing that you can try if going outside doesn't...
is UART your only option? You can get a network connection via USB which in my case is more reliable and gives you more options to send data.
@GigiSan your example saved me a lot of scalp scratching. Thanks.
Another note, should you need to create a background process that needs to run when no one is on your site i.e. these settings are in your **wp_config.php** ``` define(...
You cannot connect to your bots when you install via WSL Wire just released a native version that runs on windows so you can give that a try
> Theoretically, you should be able to head to [noflow-devsetup]( and use BLE commands to get him to forget a network and join a new one. Connect like normal, but...
> If wire-pod had never seen the bot before, it should try to get the bot's SDK certificate from the Anki server, then create an sdk_config.ini entry with that. I'll...