
``` fsharp > let result = 32 |> square |> toStr |> reverse;; val it : string = "4201" ``` `it` is wrong. `result` is correct.
I type `open Sys` and then I type `;;`. I got `open System;`. But I want `open System;;`. Similarly, I type `let x = "aaa";;` and push the enter key...
Automatically implemented property occurs internal error. #### Repro steps ```fsharp // fsi > type I = abstract member X: int with get, set type R = { x: int }...
By default, the license is [Unlicense]( I want to select it from some licenses(ex. GPL, MIT, CC0, ...).
By this change, even if recursion is too deep, it can execute.
入れたい - 型安全 - F#フレンドリーなメタデータ(モデルを再設計するときに考慮) - アサーションのカスタマイズ性の高さ