Results 17 issues of Bruce Lefebvre

`NetInfo.isInternetReachable` actually checks if the internet is reachable, which is most important: > If the internet is reachable with the currently active network connection.

Steps to reproduce: - download the app source from dev or stage, and build using the PhoneGap CLI v6.3.0 Result - build fails with the following error: ``` com.telerik.plugins.nativepagetransitions/NativePageTransitions.m:10:17: error:...

In particular, PhoneGap Build is complaining about the native page transitions plugin being out of date.

For reference, to install a snapshot: `mvn install:install-file -Dfile=cq-quickstart-6.2.0-load20-obfuscated-apis.jar -DgroupId=com.adobe.aem -DartifactId=uber-jar -Dversion=6.2.0-load20 -Dpackaging=jar -Dclassifier=obfuscated-apis` And update the pom.xml to use: ``` com.adobe.aem uber-jar 6.2.0-load20 provided obfuscated-apis ```


Navigate to the `phonegap` shell root (assumes Bash): ``` $ pushd content-dev/src/main/content/jcr_root/content/phonegap/kitchen-sink/shell/_jcr_content/pge-app/app-content/phonegap ``` Add the plugin using the Cordova CLI: ``` $ cordova plugin add ``` Return to the...