This doesn't make sense. Are you sure your phone didn't cache an earlier version of the site? Try purging all cache (both from your browser and from services like Cloudflare...
- Make sure JavaScript is enabled on the client side. - Make sure there are no script blockers like "NoScript" or "Privacy Badger" on the client side. - Try giving...
Download the repo, open up `test.html` and submit a form. If that works, you are indeed missing something in your project. If that is not working as well, it should...
Doesn't really matter if you disable or even completely hide the submit button (from human eyes), bots just care about the gform link inside the HTML. Using JavaScript for validation...
In the link you have provided, it would work because everything happens (including the user interaction) in the Google Script thus inside the parent domain (which is, but again...
@mckennapsean Okay, so after you have said that it seems to allow custom domains, I have examined it again. It honestly looked like you were right, so I decided to...
Update: Not a single spam for 5 days straight (it was around 2-5 spams/day). I have tried submitting forms to myself from different devices (Android, iOS, Windows 10, Windows 7)...
You will be putting your whole `doPost` into an `if` statement which verifies the captcha. It will look like this: ``` function doPost(e) { var r = String(e.parameters.gresp); if (verifyCaptcha(r)){...
Cross-reference your project (structure, code, dependencies etc.) with [this working example](