According to the project spec, `INFOPLIST_FILE` will set to the first one found in the `SRCROOT` if the file does not exist: > INFOPLIST_FILE: If it doesn't exist your sources...
* [ ] I've read and understood the [*CONTRIBUTING* guidelines and have done my best effort to follow]( # Report ## What did you do? 1. Integrate a pod with...
### Operating system macOS ### System version 14.1.2 (23B92) ### Installation type sing-box for macOS Graphical Client ### If you are using a graphical client, please provide the version of...
Try to fix this issue by adding `additional_entries` into `AppHostInstaller` installation process. Add another test case to check the plist result.
I try to debug `xcbeatify` with a 250MB xcode build log file. After running a moment, memory allocation is up to 1.1GB above. I think that is not a proper...
Here is an example log: ``` /Volumes/data/workspace/ABCFile.m:110:27: warning: unused variable 'domainWhitelist' [-Wunused-variable] ld: warning: Could not find or use auto-linked framework 'CoreAudioTypes': framework 'CoreAudioTypes' not found ld: Undefined symbols: _xxxx,...
First I use `xcodebuild` to build my project, duplicated symbols are displayed with full path: ``` ld: warning: duplicate symbol '_ZSTD_copyCCtx' in: /Volumes/test_result/Build/Products/DailyBuild-iphonesimulator/XCFrameworkIntermediates/Btts/libbtts.a(zstd_compress.o) /Volumes/est_result/Build/Products/DailyBuildiphonesimulator/XCFrameworkIntermediates/Diagnose/DefaultLogger/mars.framework/mars(zstd_compress.c.o) ``` I use `xcbeautify` to filter...