James Blair
James Blair
Reprex: ```r pr() %>% pr_mount("/", pr() %>% pr_get("/hello", function() "hi") ) %>% pr_run() ``` When this is executed, docs doesn't render and returns a 404.
Shiny has an option called `shiny.autoreload` that monitors source files for changes and automatically reloads the Shiny app. It would be nice if Plumber had a similar option.
There are several places where examples can be updated to reflect the latest release. For example, the "hello world" example currently returns the following warning: ``` Warning message: Plumber tag...
Part of what makes Plumber so spectacular is its incredible flexibility. As other packages start to crop up that add functionality to Plumber (like [sealr](https://github.com/jandix/sealr)) it would be nice if...
Add examples and documentation for Plumber benchmarking and performance.
Update vignettes with more specific details about potential conflicts.
To help users better understand the behavior of filters, include a graphic in the Filters section of the vignettes.
To help understand how cookies fit into the execution model of Plumber, add a graphic to the Cookies section of the vignette.
This would be part of the security vignette.