Stephen Smith
Stephen Smith
eh, this is one that probably should have made it in there a couple weeks ago, but slipped. so will do soon.
add html for the analyses that you start from within pyphlawd
Hong Qian pointed out these non-monophyletic families. Peraceae Euphorbiaceae Picrodendraceae Fabaceae Polygalaceae Hydrangeaceae Lamiaceae Paulowniaceae Scrophulariaceae Oleaceae Lamiaceae Apocynaceae Gentianaceae Scrophulariaceae Apiaceae Araliaceae Primulaceae Hydrangeaceae Molluginaceae Balanophoraceae Santalaceae Hypoxidaceae Orchidaceae...
Phyllites_yallournensis Phyllites_gregorii Phyllites_juglarsdicoites Phyllites_fuccinervis These were identified by Hong Qian
need to check on Navia, Brewcaria, Sequencia in Navioideae (comments from T. Givnish)
When there are multiple etymologies, none are reported. For example, `house` has empty etymologies but seems to be because there are three.