Ibrohim Hanafi
Ibrohim Hanafi
i not understand what the meaning parameter `node-data` on `click-node` event. how to get data object on node when clicked??
i copy your code, but im getting error like this: ``` TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '_this.props.navigation.state.index') ```
i was installed and and i was try activate plugin. i write `[vue-app]` on a post but not working on site just plain text showed. i was try to `npm...
when i run `systemctl --user restart figma-fonthelper.service` or status, i got error `home/user/.config/systemd/user/figma-fonthelper-updater.service:7: Neither a valid executable name nor an absolute path: ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/figma-fonthelper/updater.sh` i was add export on zshrc `export...
hope anyone success on 06cb:00a2 Synaptics, Inc. Metallica MOH Touch Fingerprint Reader or Thinkpad L390 Yoga or any reference ?
i was installed on my laptop, i was read correctly and install all dependencies python. but its still not work. the problem is must to install `tesseract-ocr`on machine first, not...
**Describe the problems** How make dynamic icons? **Minimal sample repository** ``` import { lazy } from 'react'; const DynamicIcon = ({...props}) => { const iconDir = props.icon?.slice(0, 2).toLowerCase() console.log(iconDir) //...
### What problem does your feature request solve? i want to get info details on number with WA Business type, like description, product list, work hour, etc ### Describe the...