I have a battery powered version and also see "Unknown". Would be a great feature for me to know approx. battery level, must not be precise, just information in advance...
You mean "Battery Health" sensor? It's reporting status "Normal", not sure what other possible values it can report. If it reports warning when battery is low then it's good enough...
I'm using nut wrapper from Martin Lang and have both servers (apupsd and nut) available for clients. Please see the details here: For Raspbian I have created script for...
It's just a workaround for people like me who need to solve the problem now. Seems that proper modbus implementation could take some time.
Considering this integration for monitoring 2 openlumi devices (openwrt in client-wifi mode) with some sensors (lamp, button switch, luminance sensor) and Zigbee router integrated. Sometimes (after HA restart) related HA...
Have similar issue when HomeAssistant core is starting after upgrade to HassOS 11.0 and Add-on "Advanced SSH & Web Terminal" to version 15.1.0. Need to manually repair the connection for...
My issue was related to Fixed via workaround published there.
Battery level for me, if reported voltage I would in any case want to re-calculate the percentage level somehow
OK, thank you for trying to help me. I have chosen your build because it was advertised in the R4S thread as the best containing speed tweaks and most compatible...
+1 for pulsing :)