By the way, the 3.1.1 source code doesn't include Signal, Nape source or SWC lib files.
Thanks for your advice, I just tried them. with _frim = true , different fps will got same result, but it looks artificial , very wired. with _timeStep , it...
Sorry, I found Signal,Nape.. in another folder, Nape physics is not in same folder of Box2D, so I ignore them. I took a quick look at that article, one point...
@alamboley , all object is controlled by physics, deltaTime is meaningless for them. I asked Nape author about this question, his advice is: "You should always fix the framerate of...
@gsynuh , Timer is also driven by CPU clock. you don't need to worry about it. In fact ,we need 2 thread to handle physics step and rendering update. Rendering...
In my scenario , simulation with fixed deltaTime is better than the variable deltaTime. Everything looks smooth and accurate in replay mode. I can't set a fixed rendering FPS for...
Timer for physics is good. I am looking forward to see it. On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 8:11 AM, Aymeric Lamboley [email protected]: > Let's take the example of the...