Rainforest Wang

Results 6 comments of Rainforest Wang

Thank you for your reply. How are the MACs of the T2T modules obtained? In fact, we have tried to calculate the MACs following the code, but we got much...

Thank you for your attention. Indeed, ISDA can be easily applied to any deep network with soft-max CE loss. We believe that it can also be used in YOLO. However,...

Thank you for your attention. In fact, we have v = 0 for the numerator, apparently. ;) We write this in the code for implementation convenience.

Thank you for your attention! In fact, in the forward() function, we iteratively execute the feed-forward and the back-propogation process of each local module. If runner.optimizer.zero_grad() is placed in after_train_iter,...

The network will of course converge. But the performance may drop:)

Thank you for your attention! 1. On ImageNet, we generally find that the optimal lamda_0 for ResNet is within {2.5, 5, 7.5}. Besides, similar to most regularization techniques, a relatively...