Eugenio Lentini

Results 7 comments of Eugenio Lentini

Hello, **Temporary Solution** is there any temporary solution/workaround or scaffolding stuff that can help for the time being? **Generate Web Component from existing Angular Component** Moreover will it be possible...

Under Windows `docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=Manager2017" -e "MSSQL_PID=Enterprise" -p 1433:1433 --name mssql -d ` pay attention to doube " for the password, the single ' does not...

Hello, I am using version 0.34.1 and it works, the image is removed 👍🏼

Hello, I have overcame the issue creating an heartbeat service to poll, when the application is up an running it exists with successful build, so I don't inspect anymore the...

Hello @rhuss I agree with you, but when you play in a Maven environment your plugin is really handy to manage authentication etc rather than using a maven exec plugin...

Hello, try to have a look at [swagger-maven-plugin]( According to the description > provides a maven plugin to resolve an OpenAPI definition at build time (using swagger-jaxrs2). Update: I have...

Small remark, please note that ```xml com.github.kongchen swagger-maven-plugin 3.1.7 ``` This plugin is __not__ the one implemented along with the swagger version 2.0.X, check please the `groupId` tag.