Here's my error message: ERROR (theano.gof.opt): Optimization failure due to: local_abstractconv_check ERROR (theano.gof.opt): node: AbstractConv2d{border_mode='half', subsample=(1, 1), filter_flip=True, imshp=(None, 1, None, None), kshp=(64, 1, 3, 3)}(DimShuffle{0,3,1,2}.0, DimShuffle{3,2,0,1}.0) ERROR (theano.gof.opt): TRACEBACK:...
您好,请问下filters的设置不能按照自己的classes来改吗,darknet好像是 3*(classes+1+4)这么来的,但是我改的话就报错了。请问是为什么呢? 谢谢
您好! 请问下您训练集使用了多少张图片呢?训练出来的模型测试的mAP大约是多少? 谢谢!
Hello, Have you ever compared the effect of cosface and arcface?Which of them is better? Thank you!
Hello! How did you deal with the lack of age tags in VGGFace2? Can you please tell me what other data sets you used in addition to VGGface2 in the...