Brian Smith
Brian Smith
Hi @JavaRockstar Although you have the input fields and a button the button doesn't do anything from what I can see. The scripts that you see are JavaScript code that...
@zeeshan7860 Unfortunately, I don't have any time to do this. However, if you ever create one I'll be more than happy to add it to the repository :smile:.
@anakin1028 I will look in to it 😄 .
@miaosun Does it behaviour happen every time?
@mateo24xx That is because `Alfa Awus036nh` only supports `monitor` mode and not `AP` mode. Therefore it can **not** be used in conjunction with `--nojamming` argument.
@mateo24xx I would recommend keeping the `Alfa Awus036nh` for authentication and use `TP Link TL-WN722N` for access point creation.
Thanks @anakin1028
@yungtravla I understand you might be frustrated with the tool but to call it an epic fail is too much. The core team has put in thousands of hours each...
@yungtravla the logging feature #747 is in progress and should be done soon.
@yungtravla #747 has been implemented and now you can use the `--log-file` option to log information.