
Results 9 issues of Bhuvnesh

I am trying to implement drag and drop sorting feature in gridlayout of recyclerview.I have used below code.My recyclerview is loaded perfectly with images but i am not able to...

I want to get the status of downloaded file while its downloading.For that I am using ReportStruct.But both report.getTotalSize() and report.toJsonObject().get("percent") is returning 0 even if i place report.toJsonObject().get("percent") inside...

I am using below ffmpeg command to cut videos.It works fine for video file names which doesn't have spaces but didn't worked for filenames having spaces.. ``` execFFmpegBinary("-i " +...

I am using compile 'com.github.hiteshsondhi88.libffmpeg:FFmpegAndroid:0.2.5' and using command execFFmpegBinary("-i " + path + " -ss " + startMs / 1000 + " -to " + endMs / 1000 + "...

Rather than complete activity I just want to blur particular layout?That way the layout underneath appear to be out of focus.How can i do that?


I want to add both drag functionality and `setOnItemClickListener` to listview but i am able to implement only one of them..if i use `dslv:drag_start_mode="onMove"` only OnItemClick happens and if i...

Everything was working fine before i started using Proguard..I am getting exception- Class class mz.peoplecloudlabs.apps.a.b.g does not have a primary key How can i assign primary key to object class...

i am having issues using Contraints.If i don't use contraints data loads perfectly.But if i try running following query- ``` Constraint constraint = new Constraint().orderBy("noOfSeen"); List cached = adapter.findAll(database,constraint); ```...

I want to create a seekbar like whatsapp such that when i slide between the two thumbs then both the thumbs gets dragged and the range changes.I have seen many...