Behrouz Khezry

Results 5 issues of Behrouz Khezry

Hi, I there any way that we can implement this encryption?


I use this code to implement loading more data with MaterialList. it's work when mListView.setColumnCountPortrait(1); but when I set it 2 for example, function findFirstVisibleItemPosition return -1 all the time....

Enhance GmsDocumentScannerOptions with a parameter to specify the scanner activity's locale, allowing users to display scanner activity texts in a preferred language.

Hi, For each time I stop and start scanning again, the number of beacons that are detected, increases as unusual. I think maybe listener of steam, remaining and beacons capture...

لطفا در بخش releases نسخه آخر کد رو ریلیز کن تا بشه در jitpack ازش استفاده کرد و کتابخانه رو به مخزن اون منتقل کرد بعدش فایل README رو آپدیت...