Brandon Keepers

Results 58 comments of Brandon Keepers

🎉 Thanks @jahtomini! This is great. I'll do a code review tomorrow, but I just checked this out and wanted to leave some feedback on the functionality. Overall this is...

@jahtomini Thanks, that would be great! Let me know if you have any questions.

## Apple Music - [Apple Music API]( would allow searching for a song - Embed by adding `embed` subdomain to song url - - Embed code: ``` ```

YouTube added in #228. Still need ability to specify YouTube links in the source

There is currently a [very rudimentary heuristic]( for deciding which parser to use that could be quickly added to, but there are a few caveats: 1. Both the [displaying of...

@etiennebarrie Do you have any more context on why this hack was removed from Rails 7? How does Rails currently handle switching environments for rake tasks?

> Happy to help, what would you like to see in a spec beyond the small modification I did? That spec looks good. Additional specs for double quotes and no...

@graywolf-at-work thanks for reporting the issue. You're right that dotenv only supports a subset of POSIX shell functionality. Most of it has been added over time as people needed different...

> …maybe there is an opportunity for this gem to add a `pg_enum`… I added these methods to `ApplicationRecord` in my project based on suggestions from @jeremy-ebler-vineti and code above...

What about only calling #handle_asynchronously if you're in test mode? ``` def do_something # here end handle_asynchronously :do_something unless Rails.env.test? ``` Or less intrusive…make all of your #handle_asynchronously calls in...