Hongbo Zhao

Results 19 issues of Hongbo Zhao

你好,我想在pycharm中使用d2l包(pytorch版)进行开发,但是由于目前直接pip下来的是适用于jupyter的,有一些魔术命令无法运行,有什么解决办法吗?十分感谢,例如:d2l/torch中有from matplotlib_inline import backend_inline这个命令,想请教下是如何处理的

Thanks for your great work. I want to know how you draw this picture. Can you share the code? Thanks ![image](https://github.com/nicola-decao/KnowledgeEditor/assets/71651717/22d0776c-faa7-4720-a6b7-9dc53eef9721)

Thanks for your great work! When I downloaded the casia-webface dataset from the link that our repository gave. I found some `.bin` files like lfw.bin. My question is what this...

``` # 导入gym环境 import gym # 声明所使用的环境 env = gym.make('CartPole-v0',render_mode="rgb_array") # 环境初始化 env.reset() # 对环境进行迭代执行1000次 for _ in range(1000): env.render() observation, reward, done, info,_ = env.step(env.action_space.sample()) # 采取随机动作 if done:...

I have already installed it in my conda environment, but when I use ```vdisplay = Xvfb()``` , I get this error `OSError: Can not find Xvfb. Please install it and...

hi, can you share your kitti road dataset split (train/val/test) code? Thanks!

The paper uses the CORe50 dataset for domain-incremental setting, but I can not find CoRe50 in this code. Do you have an Implementation about domain incremental learning? Thanks!


when I run example.py, I get error as shown in the figure. Xlib.error.ConnectionClosedError: Display connection closed by server: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer. How to solve this problem? ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/71651717/215311433-a889bd9c-066c-4cd0-aea0-06f71b2b745d.png)