Bobby Juncosa

Results 20 comments of Bobby Juncosa

Not sure what about my setup is different than yours @arjan, but I wasn't able to get this lib working. It might have had something to do with #14, not...

No problem about the response delays, totally understandable. Apollo 1.x convention is to expose a `createNetworkInterface` method, which then instantiates an `NetworkInterface` class (I called mine `PhoenixWebSocketNetworkInterface`). That class exposes...

@ndarilek Yeah, that's the same issue I was experiencing. Basically, the network interface is being ignored, and defaulting to a basic HTTP network interface. Feel free to try my Apollo...

@vic It seems something might have changed with Apollo around `1.9.3`, which might be breaking APW even in Apollo 1.9.x. The interface spec _definitely_ changed with Apollo 2.0. Here's my...

Definitely should commit this. The documentation is okay, but doesn't go into errors. It took me over an hour to find this post and add the lines above to fix...

I'm using Bourbon, and I still get this warning. ``` DEPRECATION WARNING on line 37 of /Users/[username]/Applications/ #{} interpolation near operators will be simplified in a future version of Sass....

In the little spare time I have these days, I've been working on a different spin to authorization logic; which I call [Access Decision Manager]( Instead of "abilities", it uses...

My use-case is essentially a typical request/response of queries/mutations, but over socket. We use it for server-to-server communication, prior to page load. Our Phoenix GraphQL API is completely headless, and...

Are you referring to the `custom_absinthe_runner`? I'm not really sure how that'd slot in. The only areas we really tweak to allow GraphQL over socket, is in `connect/2`. For instance:...

Thanks @athal7, I'll take a look and report back.