BJR Matos

Results 53 comments of BJR Matos

hi! sorry we missed the notification for this, hmm I think I have only saw this error once when somehow a duplicated @jsreport/jsreport-core dependency was installed. do you still have...

great notes! > Designer Pane > We should probably use grid system for the report rather than pixel based absolute positioning. User should be able to drag and drop or...

yes! i can do this, just let me finish `electron-html-to-pdf`, i really want to close the idea of using electron as a rendering platform (god i wish i have more...

This video has inspired me, That UI designer looks very solid!

> I'm using jsreport for our email templates. Each time an email is sent I request two renders from jsreport, one for the html version of the email and one...

we should probably include a test for react-native too

it seems there is not a fix available for this yet, we use the [monaco-editor]( and the html language is not able to highlight code in script type="module", we will...

heads up that there is an existing case that want this feature to be implemented

I did a general look at this, and it seems the major issue is that the node.js VM does not provide stable support for this right now. code from user...

as you probably noticed i would prefer [electron](, is so awesome! :)