The test suite is part of GA so if you download GA from our github repository, you will pick it up. The github repository is at git clone git...
For got to mention, the source code for the test codes is $GA/global/testing.
If you type make checkprogs in the build directory, it should build all the executables in the test directory.
Some of the fortran tests pass and quite a few of the C tests fail. The underlying GA library is all written in C and the Fortran interface is a...
We have vanilla builds of UCX 1.4.0 and 1.8.0 on our machine. I can try running with that to see if I can reproduce @hppritcha's results. What exactly do you...
Some of them can definitely hang. On our system running 4.0.1, the mir_perf2.x, perf2.x and thread_perf_contig.x tests were hanging. I haven't seen any hangs in ga_shift.x. Some of the tests...
I ran using openmpi 4.0.4 with built with UCX and with the OMPI_MCA_osc and OMPI_MCA_pml environment variables set to ucx. I had two hung processes and a total of 27...
A bunch of questions to catch up on: 1) I looked at the output of ./ucx_info -v for our UCX 1.8.0 build. The only option listed was --prefix. [d3g293@constance01 bin]$...
Should it be? I can try building it on my own and rebuild 4.0.4.