Balint Joo
Balint Joo
I fell afoul of this today. I got around it by downloading eigen-3.3.9 and unzipping it manually. Then setting ``` -DQUDA_DOWNLOAD_EIGEN=OFF \ -DEIGEN_INCLUDE_DIR=${SRCROOT}/eigen-3.3.9 \ ``` on the Cmake command line....
Will get to it eventually.
Yes: For now use the `feature/hip-compiler-fixes` branch The build script I have been using is below: notes: a) gfx90a is MI250 a la crusher. b) I chose to not download...
No probs, I’ll get this as soon as I can. :) -- Balint Joo, Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility, Oak Ridge National Laboratory P.O. Box 2008, 1 Bethel Valley Road,...
Understood. I think the bigger point would be ecosystem support in general. I think HIP-CPU would have great utility as a debugging tool and as a potential solution for CI...
That sounds like a reasonable plan. Let me see if I can dig about and find out how hard converting/converging some of these projects may be. Sounds from what you...
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I can make a make_permute() function call. That is a nice way of solving that oddball constructor issue. I do actually use simd for the control, primarily for efficiency on...
Hi, as suggested by @crtrott I have modified the interface by adding `make_permute`. I have also updated the test codes to see how it could be used. Actually another thing,...