Eliran Bivas

Results 5 issues of Eliran Bivas

In case of break-glass scenario (being required to operate directly on managed resources outside of GitOps flow) we need an option to mark an object as disabled. Disabled object will...

At the moment the `roles` section must be inlined the `.rivi.rules.yaml` file. **Proposal** Have an `import` key that will read the roles from external file (e.g. `OWNERS` file)


See https://github.com/bivas/rivi/blob/development/engine/condition.go#L23 for example. Need to compile and validate all patterns when building the rules and not when running `Match()`


Issue I noticed is when trying `errors.Errorf("reached 0 %w", Fail)`: This is actually doesn't support Go 1.13 error wrapping format (output was `reached 0 %!w(*failure.FailError=&{})`) Created the following snippet to...

Managing a repository can require tedious administrative work, and as pull requests increase, it becomes even more complex. Today’s review flow lacks important visible information that leads to serious management...