It does not help. I want reverse explode (up part slide up and down screen part slide down) but it slides. But if I set fade it's work.
Entry transition is explode, but why reverse is slide? In Your TransitionActivity2 enter transition is explode, exit and return transitions not defined and reverse is slide down. I setup explode...
But my presenter is annotated with custom annotation and is a singleton. And new instance of presenter is not created each time fragment calls `providePresenter()`. I think if I use...
I found, that `hasDrawable` works fine with vector drawables, but with at least one exception. It doesn't work in recycler view view holder if image view size is not specified....
Казалось бы, целый VK SDK, а приходится костылить и прокидывать результат из Activity (которая этими делами вообще не должна заниматься) в Fragment. Наверно суперсложно добавить поддержку фрагментов (PS v2.2.0 ее...
This leak happens only with default `Carousel`, when using `EpoxyModelGroup` with other non `Carousel` models all works fine without leaks. Use `inflater` from activity while creating fragment's view nor set...