we're consider not update pull time when doing scanning, or add some extra fields to distinguish the user pull from scan pull
@heww @wy65701436 take a look if this can be implement
this seems be required by issue https://github.com/goharbor/harbor-operator/issues/967
@cndoit18 is trying to support customize affinity
the warning in operator pod log may not be a finally error, it's just some intermediate states, you should check if the operator or harbor pods are finally started as...
the problem is we add HEAD request when replication, which meet 412 error. we will check this if can workaround this, like push forcely
can you `docker login registry.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com` with that AK successfully, and push image ?
you can create AK with your ram account, not using password. The Aliyun SDK doesn't allow using password to auth https://github.com/goharbor/harbor/blob/7b39bab0f3b87035397a23d193ce8ab4c9e80b25/src/pkg/reg/adapter/aliacr/auth.go#L47
you can help submit a PR to fix this, we don't have such environment to test
consider add a new param `sentinel_password` in the redis url redis+sentinel://:pass1@host1:26379,host2:26379/mymaster/1?idle_timeout_seconds=30&sentinel_password=pass2