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Certs are available but the operator pod reports `FailedMount` warning.

Open raha-fi opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

Certs are available but the operator pod reports FailedMount warning:

cert-manager version: v1.9.1 K8s version: 1.23 Harbor operator version: 1.3.0

After running this:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/goharbor/harbor-operator/release-1.3.0/manifests/cluster/deployment.yaml

The operator pod gives this warning:

  Type     Reason       Age                    From               Message
  ----     ------       ----                   ----               -------
  Normal   Scheduled    3m36s                  default-scheduler  Successfully assigned harbor-operator-ns/harbor-operator-7f8457cb96-f9zcf to ip-192-168-17-43.ec2.internal
  Warning  FailedMount  3m35s (x3 over 3m36s)  kubelet            MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "cert" : secret "webhook-server-cert" not found
  Normal   Pulled       3m32s                  kubelet            Container image "ghcr.io/goharbor/harbor-operator:v1.3.0" already present on machine
  Normal   Created      3m32s                  kubelet            Created container manager
  Normal   Started      3m31s                  kubelet            Started container manager
➜  Operator-instruction k get events -n harbor-operator-ns 

These are all the events:

LAST SEEN   TYPE      REASON              OBJECT                                    MESSAGE
3m54s       Normal    Scheduled           pod/harbor-operator-7f8457cb96-f9zcf      Successfully assigned harbor-operator-ns/harbor-operator-7f8457cb96-f9zcf to ip-192-168-17-43.ec2.internal
3m53s       Warning   FailedMount         pod/harbor-operator-7f8457cb96-f9zcf      MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "cert" : secret "webhook-server-cert" not found
3m50s       Normal    Pulled              pod/harbor-operator-7f8457cb96-f9zcf      Container image "ghcr.io/goharbor/harbor-operator:v1.3.0" already present on machine
3m50s       Normal    Created             pod/harbor-operator-7f8457cb96-f9zcf      Created container manager
3m49s       Normal    Started             pod/harbor-operator-7f8457cb96-f9zcf      Started container manager
3m54s       Normal    SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/harbor-operator-7f8457cb96     Created pod: harbor-operator-7f8457cb96-f9zcf
3m54s       Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/harbor-operator                Scaled up replica set harbor-operator-7f8457cb96 to 1
3m54s       Normal    Scheduled           pod/minio-operator-6fbdd889bf-8549f       Successfully assigned harbor-operator-ns/minio-operator-6fbdd889bf-8549f to ip-192-168-63-125.ec2.internal
3m53s       Normal    Pulled              pod/minio-operator-6fbdd889bf-8549f       Container image "quay.io/minio/operator:v4.4.22" already present on machine
3m53s       Normal    Created             pod/minio-operator-6fbdd889bf-8549f       Created container minio-operator
3m53s       Normal    Started             pod/minio-operator-6fbdd889bf-8549f       Started container minio-operator
3m54s       Normal    Scheduled           pod/minio-operator-6fbdd889bf-qbsv2       Successfully assigned harbor-operator-ns/minio-operator-6fbdd889bf-qbsv2 to ip-192-168-17-43.ec2.internal
3m53s       Normal    Pulled              pod/minio-operator-6fbdd889bf-qbsv2       Container image "quay.io/minio/operator:v4.4.22" already present on machine
3m53s       Normal    Created             pod/minio-operator-6fbdd889bf-qbsv2       Created container minio-operator
3m53s       Normal    Started             pod/minio-operator-6fbdd889bf-qbsv2       Started container minio-operator
3m54s       Normal    SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/minio-operator-6fbdd889bf      Created pod: minio-operator-6fbdd889bf-8549f
3m54s       Normal    SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/minio-operator-6fbdd889bf      Created pod: minio-operator-6fbdd889bf-qbsv2
3m54s       Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/minio-operator                 Scaled up replica set minio-operator-6fbdd889bf to 2
3m53s       Normal    Scheduled           pod/postgres-operator-84c9c5f894-l9ckf    Successfully assigned harbor-operator-ns/postgres-operator-84c9c5f894-l9ckf to ip-192-168-42-33.ec2.internal
3m52s       Normal    Pulled              pod/postgres-operator-84c9c5f894-l9ckf    Container image "ghcr.io/goharbor/postgres-operator:v1.6.3" already present on machine
3m52s       Normal    Created             pod/postgres-operator-84c9c5f894-l9ckf    Created container postgres-operator
3m52s       Normal    Started             pod/postgres-operator-84c9c5f894-l9ckf    Started container postgres-operator
3m53s       Normal    SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/postgres-operator-84c9c5f894   Created pod: postgres-operator-84c9c5f894-l9ckf
3m53s       Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/postgres-operator              Scaled up replica set postgres-operator-84c9c5f894 to 1
3m53s       Normal    Scheduled           pod/redisoperator-86689577f6-lcj7t        Successfully assigned harbor-operator-ns/redisoperator-86689577f6-lcj7t to ip-192-168-42-33.ec2.internal
3m50s       Normal    Pulled              pod/redisoperator-86689577f6-lcj7t        Container image "quay.io/spotahome/redis-operator:v1.1.1" already present on machine
3m50s       Normal    Created             pod/redisoperator-86689577f6-lcj7t        Created container app
3m50s       Normal    Started             pod/redisoperator-86689577f6-lcj7t        Started container app
3m53s       Normal    SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/redisoperator-86689577f6       Created pod: redisoperator-86689577f6-lcj7t
3m53s       Normal    ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/redisoperator                  Scaled up replica set redisoperator-86689577f6 to 1
3m51s       Normal    cert-manager.io     certificaterequest/serving-cert-xlhxq     Certificate request has been approved by cert-manager.io
3m51s       Warning   BadConfig           certificaterequest/serving-cert-xlhxq     Certificate will be issued with an empty Issuer DN, which contravenes RFC 5280 and could break some strict clients
3m51s       Normal    CertificateIssued   certificaterequest/serving-cert-xlhxq     Certificate fetched from issuer successfully
3m52s       Normal    Issuing             certificate/serving-cert                  Issuing certificate as Secret does not exist
3m51s       Normal    Generated           certificate/serving-cert                  Stored new private key in temporary Secret resource "serving-cert-6fngv"
3m51s       Normal    Requested           certificate/serving-cert                  Created new CertificateRequest resource "serving-cert-xlhxq"
3m51s       Normal    Issuing             certificate/serving-cert                  The certificate has been successfully issued

Any suggestion how to solve this?

raha-fi avatar Sep 16 '22 12:09 raha-fi

the warning in operator pod log may not be a finally error, it's just some intermediate states, you should check if the operator or harbor pods are finally started as Ready

bitsf avatar Sep 27 '22 09:09 bitsf