
Results 13 comments of Bitlab

I think only supporting this from Sox only will not help. Also the used audio_output_format needs to be changed, else the audio will still be played atthe original audio_output_format(all due...

@FabienPochez I have just created a PR wich including configuration by mpd.conf. In your case if your mpd.conf contains something like: ``` audio_output_format "48:2:1" selective_44k_resample "yes" ``` A song based...

@FabienPochez hold your horses ... if the PR get accepted at all. For the moment you are able to build MPD yourself, you download my branch and try it out.

To get an feeling about the performance difference I did some test with sox commandline. The difference in used cpu resourcesis used goin from44k1>96 compared to 44k1>88k2. [sox measurement results.txt](

If: 1. You set `audio_out_format ` to a multiplication of 48kHz like `96000:24:2` (Offcourse you have to make sure the target requested samplerate is supported by your output and/or DAC.)....

Maybe this helps: #278 demonstrates a proof-of-concept how generate an alarm. Till now I didn't find time to create a clean wrapper for it. Subscribing can indeed by done by...

@schroeder- are you aware of an existing test where this behaviour is demonstrated/tested? The current definition `class String:` also can't hold this values? And it places where a ua.String is...

Created the a test for None/''/'value' behaviour below. @schroeder- can you review if the test below is correct? A side from correct python typing, the results for `class String:` and...

The `ua.String` type is only one of the fixes used. Also fixes to `get_default_value` are made. The give IMHO this gives an more natural behaviour for strings and also for...

My main language is C/C++ and I'm very aware of the binary mapping of the ua.string. Only the standards [Part 6 - 5.19]( is very clear about this part: _5.1.9...