David Frank
David Frank
Just to limit the scope a bit: for now, I am happy if I can get the basic PBR maps out and in again. Main problem currently is texture channel...
Just a quick note to say glTFast already export all meshes in the group, the problem is mostly on import, where Unity default model importer will setup LODGroup per this...
> I took another stab at smooth normals. Have literally only tested on a cube and sphere Bad news, I tested smooth normal branch on some subdivided watertight cube from...
Good news, the error doesn't effect Deform package directly, smooth normal still works. It was thrown by an incorrect code for `AsDeferredJobArray` in a very recent release of Unity and...
@novavision read this thread, either use newer version or patch the collection package yourself: https://forum.unity.com/threads/2021-2-8f1-broke-asdeferredjobarray-and-deferred-jobs.1225635/#post-7815393
Actually I would change my question to a feature request: allow passing custom config to phantomjs (through config.json or command), this allow us to change settings like `ignoreSslErrors`, which is...
@jefflembeck cheers! Also a h/t on this issue, criticalCSS will probably encounter the same problem sooner or later: https://github.com/pocketjoso/penthouse/issues/58
I believe what happened here is that destroy() method forget to clean up scrollbar variable I don't have git with me at the moment, but try this destroy() method ```...
would love to see this, for years (I mean literally, been using this since 2006) i couldn't figure out a proper way to do this. would it be easier to...
I would suggest `data-id` instead of `class`.