Ryan Johnson

Results 6 issues of Ryan Johnson

Following setup: - Mac mini (2018) - macOS 10.14.1 - Dell P2415Q - HDMI 2.0 enabled - Connected over HDMI Setting the brightness/contrast appears to just do nothing 🙁 Output...


For some reason on https://zoom.us/signin the form fields lose keyboard focus while typing after a few seconds. The problem goes away if I disable sVim.

With Firefox 57.0b8, if I have `security.webauth.u2f` enabled under `about:config`, MyEtherWallet site fails to load with the following error in the log: ``` TypeError: setting getter-only property "u2f" [Learn More]...

Testing against the endpoint `https://webmention.rocks/test/23/page`: ``` iex(22)> {_, _, _, client} = :hackney.get("https://webmention.rocks/test/23/page", [], "", [follow_redirect: true]) {:ok, 404, [ {"Server", "nginx/1.14.0"}, {"Date", "Fri, 17 Aug 2018 08:02:07 GMT"}, {"Content-Type",...

We are getting these errors on occasion (once or twice a week): ``` [error] ** (ExAws.Error) ExAws Request Error! {:error, {:http_error, 400, %{code: "AWS.SimpleQueueService.BatchEntryIdsNotDistinct", detail: "", message: "Id 688a1987-8bce-4093-99ac-8acf3bebd17e repeated.",...

Would there be any interest in adding support for recurrence exceptions? I've had to extend this lib to support exceptions for our needs so I wanted to open the discussion...