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Scrape the Twitter Frontend API without authentication.

Results 57 twitter-scraper issues
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I noticed that to get profile information the only parameter is 'username'. I need to search for all the profile information of the users after i get a list of...

help wanted

Is there any way to filter get_tweets by user location? Or should I simply get the Profile.location from the set of usernames?

As documented in #96, you can not access all the tweet account history simply scrolling. There is a limit of around ~800 tweets. Nevertheless, the search URL allows to specify...

can i get top tweets by hashtag?

adds timedelta parameter, i.e. allowing scraping of only the most recent tweets instead of pages alone. Note that it still cuts off based on pages

Trying to run your test script with the random user whos first tweet is only a picture, running the basic example from your gives me this error. `...

Some existing profiles simply do not have a location, and in these cases the library throws an error. For example this


Hi realated to #75 I'm interested in this project and I'm Korean. Many people in Korea (including president of Republic of Korea ) enjoys twitter. So, it might be helpful...

Fixes the problem of crawling only 2~5 pages even when more pages are requested.

Is it possible to retrieve a list with all followers of a profile?
