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Scrape the Twitter Frontend API without authentication.

Results 57 twitter-scraper issues
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Hi, When reading some paper, the authors just have provided with tweetIDs but not direct tweets. I was wondering how to get the tweet with a specific tweetID? Thanks in...

Hello, first of all, thank you for your work - awesome tool. I think I stumble about a issue regarding handling connections. If connections are not properly closed, they kept...

For photos, it gives me the exact url.jpg needed to scrape the image, but for videos I just get a dictionary that has a key id with a value of...

How can i get text and image of a tweet if a have a link of the tweet ?

1. Getting comments from tweets 2. Checking if user/tweet is marked as NSFW

i added new attribute

This was a really simple addition! By taking the existing hashtag and user query search functions, I copied the guts from those and now added the ability for users to...

At now I have one request processed for ~1 second. I need it to be faster, is there a way to use proxies? I tried to add them, but requests...

help wanted

How can we get trends from different countries? It does not support proxy.

help wanted