Howard Lee
Howard Lee
I added some Prints into capturePhotoAsyncronously(). Basically if the function is called before session.isRunning == true, then AVCaptureStillImageOutput will throw an NSInternalInconsistencyException. DEBUG_USER_ACTION: CameraViewController.capturePressed() #file = /Users/biscottigelato/Documents/Dev Space/EatellyApp/SomeFoodieApp/CameraViewController.swift #function =...
As titled. In SwiftCamViewController.swift, the shared AVAudioSession instance is set to AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord, but never set back (to say, AVAudioSessionCategorySoloAmbient). This can cause all sorts of trouble down the road for...
With multiple neutrino peers supplied through lnd.conf/neutrino.Config structure, it seems that NewChainService() will try to resolve the peers' addresses and try to connect to them. However as soon as one...
It'd be super nice if there are debug symbols and breakpoint for Lndmobile.framework. There are so many random LND crashes etc that, being able to do symbolize breakpoint debug would...