
Results 25 comments of BirdMichael

> 我没有设备,所以需要你们提供一下需要的信息 > > 在终端里输入一下命令 > > ```shell > ioreg -lw0 | grep -i "Display" > display.txt > open ./ > ``` > > 然后把当前目录下的 display.txt 发到我的邮箱 > > [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])...

@yiplee 我发现还有一个问题,当深色模式的时候,状态栏也有问题,只有纯白。。

> > 我也遇到了 > > 我解决了,重新编辑下 podFile 文件,然后重新pod 就好了。target 选择iOS10以上。 platform:ios,'10.0' > use_frameworks! > > target 'TSWeChat' do > > ``` > pod 'Alamofire', '~> 4.0' > pod 'Kingfisher' >...

Maybe it depends on the support of the server. For example, u can use `@""`. the server give u some new TS It's just my personal guess.hope it can help...

come on. I'm learning your clean architecture recently, but it's easy to confuse now.

``` let vc: ReposViewController = assembler.resolve(navigationController: nav) let vc: MainViewController = assembler.resolve(navigationController: nav) ``` Isn't it a better way to use type derivation? Is there any better way?

update ``` private func getAllDigitsInAscendingSignificance(number: Int, minimumFractionDigits: Int) -> [Int] { if number == 0 { guard minimumFractionDigits = 10 { let quotient = rest / 10 let d =...

Thank you for your contribution.