
Results 3 issues of birajaghoshal

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in () 73 decay = 0.96 74 lr = 1e-3 ---> 75 m=model() 76 m.summary() 77 log = [] in model(hidden_dim, input_dim, sigma_regularization, mu_regularization,...

want to replace below Dense layer with BayesianDense. ct_input = Input(shape=(PATCH_HEIGHT, PATCH_WIDTH, 1)) pet_input = Input(shape=(PATCH_HEIGHT, PATCH_WIDTH, 1)) x = concatenate([ct_model, pet_model]) x = Dense(864, activation='relu')(x) x = Dense(288, activation='relu')(x)...

I suggest to include "Human Protein Atlas (HPA), which aims to map all the proteins in the human body. Research is focused on protein science, understanding the biology and functions...