
Results 10 comments of Joe

hmmmm gonna try an init container to copy the externals to an emptydir mount...

So using an init container totally worked. I created an emptyDir, mounted to an init container as /_externals, rsync'd /home/runner/externals, then mounted that volume in the runner and DIND and...

@developerdino yep that is the exact error. You can see if you hop into the container that the externals folder has the node bin on the `runner`, but that DIND...

Found this issue while trying to determine how best to atomize my many many jobs outside of a single gigantic jenkins.yaml, is it possible or on the roadmap? (EDIT: I...

After being frustrated by the very limited JSON parsing capacity of the external provider, I found that `jsondecode` on a local file containing the same output works fine in a...

I am also interested in MLFlow managing an official image in GHCR on the primary repo. I want to use MLFlow in my enterprise setting but am discouraged by the...

I ran into this problem very recently. @rsanzante replied to this closed issue in He identified `sqlc` as failing to accept STDIN and that there were a couple diffs...

Hello from the future, I would like this too please. It will surely become increasingly popular as GPT use cases abound.

OpenAI completion endpoint is a good example. Can't share my live case.

3 years later and still doesn't support overlay as a first class solution?