
Results 3 issues of kcbioinfo89

Hi, I want to simulate only deletions on chromosome 22, between range 1-30 bps and 30bps to 1Mb. For the same I am using the following command: `python varsim.py --vc_in_vcf...

Hi, I am using Varsim for simulation and following is the command I am using: `python varsim/varsim.py --vc_in_vcf varsim/All_20170710_wdchr+header.vcf --sv_insert_seq varsim/insert_seq.txt --sv_dgv GRCh37_hg19_supportingvariants_2020-02-25_wdchr.txt --reference hg19/chr22.fa --id Simchr22 --read_length 125 --mean_fragment_size...

Hi, I am trying to run the aggregate peak analysis using juicer_tools, following the command I use, #APA plots: module load juicer/1.5.6 module load java/oracle/jdk1.8.0_65 juicer_tools48g apa -r 10000 out_10kb.matrix...