PhD. Elias Daniel Lopez
PhD. Elias Daniel Lopez
HI, everyone!! I'm impressed with the performance of this model. I want to contribute with a small dataset (~2K) that I extracted from mercadolibre. You Have a repo with the...
Hello, I'm sending you a drive link because I can't upload the file here because it's too big! Let me know when you've downloaded it so I can delete it!...
Hi everyone! @ankandrew In fact when you have an distorsioned license plate the recognition would be difficult. I have even tried this service and in very tilted license plate...
The problem is just line 179 of file: urbanpy/download/ `#Brazil is split into 4 maps if isinstance(type(dataset_dict[country][map_type]), list): return pd.concat([pd.read_csv(file) for file in dataset_dict[country][map_type]]) else: return pd.read_csv(dataset_dict[country][map_type])` Must be: `#Brazil...
I am considering the possibility of doing the data augmentation externally, which could potentially include GANs for generating license plates with lighting changes. Therefore, I would like to ask: Is...