uta copied to clipboard
uta_20180821.pgd.gz dump seems to be incomplete
At the end of uta_20171026
statements are executed for views exon_set_exons_fp_mv
, tx_exon_set_summary_mv
, tx_def_summary_mv
However restoration of uta_20180821 ends with GRANT
statements without any REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW
, and requests to database from hgvs are failed with
RuntimeError: generator didn't stop after throw()
self = <contextlib._GeneratorContextManager object at 0x7f68ff390ed0>
type = <class 'psycopg2.errors.ObjectNotInPrerequisiteState'>
value = ObjectNotInPrerequisiteState('materialized view "tx_def_summary_mv" has not been populated\nHINT: Use the REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW command.\n')
Refresh of these three views in database solves problem.
Hi @AleksandrSl-
I'm sorry about this issue. It sounds like you worked around it already.
That db release was updated by a colleague, so I'm a bit fuzzy on details. The loading scripts refresh mat views automatically. However, in this case, he made a minor change that invalidated the mat views, then dumped. I thought the dump had been updated, but your report suggests that this isn't the case.
When did you download this dump?
Sorry about the problems.
See also https://github.com/biocommons/hgvs/issues/537
Thanks, issue and the solution (https://github.com/biocommons/hgvs/issues/537#issuecomment-450183852) seems to be the same as in biocommons/hgvs#537. Today I cloned uta repository, built two images using this Dockerfile and specifying uta_20180821
and uta_20171026
as arguments and started containers, then connected to each one using hgvs and run simple variant g to c transformation.