hgvs copied to clipboard
Index Error for variant using am37.c_to_g()
We encountered a bug when running c_to_g via assembly mapper for variant 'NM_001291722.1:c.283-3C>T':
$ hgvs-shell
Python 3.6.9 (default, Jan 8 2020, 08:00:01)
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IPython 7.13.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
hgvs-shell -- interactive hgvs
hgvs version: 1.5.1
data provider url: postgresql://anonymous:[email protected]/uta/uta_20180821
schema_version: 1.1
data_version: uta_20180821
sequences source: SeqRepo (/Users/paige.taylor/Data/seqrepo/2018-08-21)
The following variables are defined:
* global_config
* hp, parser, hgvs_parser -- Parser instance
* hdp, hgvs_data_provider -- UTA data provider instance
* vm, variant_mapper, hgvs_variant_mapper -- VariantMapper instance
* am37, hgvs_assembly_mapper_37 -- GRCh37 Assembly Mapper instance
* am38, projector, hgvs_assembly_mapper_38 -- GRCh38 Assembly Mapper instances
* hn, normalizer, hgvs_normalizer -- Normalizer instance
* hv, validator, hgvs_validator) -- Validator instance
The following functions are available:
* parse, normalize, validate
* g_to_c, g_to_n, g_to_t,
* c_to_g, c_to_n, c_to_p,
* n_to_c, n_to_g,
* t_to_g,
* get_relevant_transcripts
When submitting bug reports, include the version header shown above
and use these variables/variable names whenever possible.
In [1]: var = hp.parse_hgvs_variant('NM_001291722.1:c.283-3C>T')
In [2]: am37.c_to_g(var)
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
~/virtualenv/hgvs_v15/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hgvs/shell.py in <module>
----> 1 am37.c_to_g(var)
~/virtualenv/hgvs_v15/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hgvs/assemblymapper.py in c_to_g(self, var_c)
114 alt_ac = self._alt_ac_for_tx_ac(var_c.ac)
115 var_out = super(AssemblyMapper, self).c_to_g(
--> 116 var_c, alt_ac, alt_aln_method=self.alt_aln_method)
117 return self._maybe_normalize(var_out)
~/virtualenv/hgvs_v15/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hgvs/variantmapper.py in c_to_g(self, var_c, alt_ac, alt_aln_method)
301 pos_n = mapper.g_to_n(pos_g)
302 edit_g = hgvs.edit.NARefAlt(
--> 303 ref='', alt=self._get_altered_sequence(mapper.strand, pos_n, var_n))
304 pos_g.uncertain = var_c.posedit.pos.uncertain
305 var_g = hgvs.sequencevariant.SequenceVariant(
~/virtualenv/hgvs_v15/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hgvs/variantmapper.py in _get_altered_sequence(self, strand, interval, var)
525 if edit.type == 'sub':
--> 526 seq[pos_start] = edit.alt
527 elif edit.type == 'del':
528 del seq[pos_start:pos_end]
IndexError: list assignment index out of range
@sptaylor: I can confirm this bug.
I accidentally discovered that this bug doesn't happen if I use a uta_20150827 (discovered through a sloppy copy-paste from old notes). That discovery only increases my curiosity.
I don't have funding, or time to donate, to work on this right now.
@reece we are experiencing the same error in a different context. when using the Assembly Mapper's g_to_c function with strict_bounds=True, this variant NC_000001.10:g.16890441C>G throws a HGVSInvalidIntervalError due to gaps in the sequence. when using the same function with strict_bounds=False we get
'Traceback (most recent call last): {some lines ommitted for brevity} File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hgvs/assemblymapper.py", line 100, in g_to_c var_g, tx_ac, alt_aln_method=self.alt_aln_method) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hgvs/variantmapper.py", line 259, in g_to_c ref='', alt=self._get_altered_sequence(mapper.strand, pos_g, var_g)) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/hgvs/variantmapper.py", line 526, in _get_altered_sequence seq[pos_start] = edit.alt IndexError: list assignment index out of range'
We propose a try/except in the else statement code block at line 225 of variantmapper.py (also below, hgvs1.5.1) to raise the HGVSInvalidInteralError. Does this make sense or is there a deeper issue?
'if not pos_c.uncertain: edit_c = self._convert_edit_check_strand(mapper.strand, var_g.posedit.edit) if edit_c.type == 'ins' and pos_c.start.offset == 0 and pos_c.end.offset == 0 and pos_c.end - pos_c.start > 1: pos_c.start.base += 1 pos_c.end.base -= 1 edit_c.ref = '' else: # variant at alignment gap pos_g = mapper.c_to_g(pos_c) edit_c = hgvs.edit.NARefAlt( ref='', alt=self._get_altered_sequence(mapper.strand, pos_g, var_g))'
Validation problem?
Other tools seem to think this is an error, so perhaps it's a validation problem:
ClinGen allele registry: dies with "intronic position inside exon" Variant Validator: ExonBoundaryError: Position c.283-3 does not correspond with an exon boundary for transcript NM_001291722.1
Exon positions in UTA
Where is "c.283" ?
In [46]: var_c = hp.parse_hgvs_variant('NM_001291722.1:c.283C>T') # remove the 3
In [47]: am37.c_to_n(var_c)
Out[47]: SequenceVariant(ac=NM_001291722.1, type=n, posedit=422C>T, gene=None)
Double check - NM_001291722.1 CDS start = 139 139 + 283 = transcript pos 422 so c_to_n is correct here
GRCh37 Tx exons around 422 are:
['CYFIP2', 'NM_001291722.1', 'NC_000005.9', 'splign', 1, 3, 346, 424, 156721791, 156721866, '75=3D', None, None, 738621, 366974, 6225535, 3655233, 3833217]
['CYFIP2', 'NM_001291722.1', 'NC_000005.9', 'splign', 1, 4, 424, 526, 156723677, 156723782, '3I102=', None, None, 738621, 366974, 6225536, 3655234, 3833382]
It looks like perhaps UTA is calling the exon wrong here? Why have a deletion of 3 bases at exon/intron boundary rather than shift the exon boundary?
Other investigation
I started to look into this and noticed something...
var_c = hp.parse_hgvs_variant('NM_001291722.1:c.283-3C>T')
mapper = am37._fetch_AlignmentMapper("NM_001291722.1", "NC_000005.9", "splign")
pos_c = var_c.posedit.pos
pos_c_to_n = mapper.c_to_n(pos_c)
pos_g = mapper.c_to_g(pos_c)
pos_c_to_g_to_n = mapper.g_to_n(pos_g)
These should be the same? Output:
Not sure if related, but I've found a few other examples of where conversion seems inconsistent (if you convert from c to g then back to c it's changed)
# These examples are from ./tests/data/clinvar.gz so presumably real HGVS from the wild
# Yes, they are probably wrong, eg "NM_000180.3:c.3233-3236dup" is probably a typo, dash is supposed to be underscore
example_hgvs = [
for hgvs_str in example_hgvs:
var_c = hp.parse_hgvs_variant(hgvs_str)
var_g = am37.c_to_g(var_c)
var_c2 = am37.g_to_c(var_g, var_c.ac) # This should in theory be the same as we started
print("-" * 20)
Between the dashed lines, the two should be consistent
Some of these are def invalid, though in that case, they should throw an error?
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